Hydrogen Refueling Station

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Hydrogen station product introduction

Gas Distribution System: The gas distribution system deliveries hydrogen gas, which is from on-site hydrogen production by tube trailer.

Product introduction

Compression system: Hydrogen is pressurized with a booster device, usually to pressures above 400 bar/850 bar

Product description

We already provided the H2 refueling station to USA and Europe.

The advantage of product:

1. Gas Distribution System: The gas distribution system deliveries hydrogen gas, which is from on-site hydrogen production by tube trailer.

2. Compression system: Hydrogen is pressurized with a booster device, usually to pressures above 400 bar/850 bar

3. Storage system: This system stores high-pressure hydrogen from the compression system. The pressure difference between the storage system and the hydrogen refueling objects enables rapid hydrogen refueling;

4. Refueling system: Hydrogen is refueled to vehicles or other facilities through this system and can be metered;

5. Control and Protection System: This system covers the entire compression and refueling system, as well as leakage, flame, fire protection, lightning protection, anti-static and other early warning and protection, to ensure the safety of the whole system.

Mobile hydrogen refueling device is designed to solve the problem of temporary hydrogen refueling or hydrogen refueling difficulties

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