Industrial Gas Semi-trailer

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LO2LN2LAr Industrial Gas Storage Semi-trailer

The LO2/LN2/LAr Industrial Gas Storage Semi-trailer is designed and manufactured based ASME standard with U stamp. Unique design with internal insulation advanced vacuum technology, which ensures vacuum tank long service life.

Product introduction

The LO2/LN2/LAr Industrial Gas Storage Semi-trailer is composed by inner tank and external tank. Heat isolating material is filled between two tanks to realize heat isolation. Isolation way is vacuum with multilayer wrapping.

Product description

The LO2/LN2/LAr Industrial Gas Storage Semi-trailer is designed and manufactured based ASME standard with U stamp. Unique design with internal insulation advanced vacuum technology, which ensures vacuum tank long service life. the LO2/LN2/LAr Industrial Gas Storage Semi-trailer is composed by inner tank and external tank. Heat isolating material is filled between two tanks to realize heat isolation. Isolation way is vacuum with multilayer wrapping.

The pressure gauge and liquid meter are installed in inner tank. Safety device can be installed with venting pipe inner tank to keep inner tank safe. With upside and downside filling pipes in inner tank, gas can be filled by either up or down pipe.

Key valves use international poplular crygenic valves, such as herose, swagelok to guarrantte high quality of tanks.

LO2/LN2/LAr Industrial Gas Storage Semi-trailer Unique advantage:

cryogenic tank is high quality and safety control system with fatory ASME certificate make the LO2/LN2/LAr Industrial Gas Storage Semi-trailer high quality and safety. unitll now, our cryogenic Semi-trailer has been used in many overseas countries, such as USA, Thailand, and Turnkey. good performance gains good reputation in market.

LO2/LN2/LAr Industrial Gas Storage Semi-trailer Capacity: 6.9m3-37.4m3

LO2/LN2/LAr Industrial Gas Storage Semi-trailer Working Pressure: 3bar -16bar

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