LNG Vaporizer

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LNG Vaporization System

Ambient air vaporizers make use of the warmth of the air in the atmosphere to acquire the energy for the vaporization of the liquid cryogen.

LNG Vaporization System

LNG Vaporization System

LNG Vaporization System

Product introduction

When LNG/LO2/LAr/LN2/LCO2 flows through the finned tubes of the vaporizer, they then cool the surrounding air.

Product description

Ambient air vaporizers make use of the warmth of the air in the atmosphere to acquire the energy for the vaporization of the liquid cryogen. When LNG/LO2/LAr/LN2/LCO2 flows through the finned tubes of the vaporizer, they then cool the surrounding air. As the air becomes colder it also becomes denser and gravity causes it to flow downward through the vaporizer. This natural draft method does not require any fuel or electricity.

The air-temperature vaporizer is a special equipment for vaporizing cryogenic liquids at ambient temperature. The air is used as a heat source to exchange heat through finned tubes with good thermal conductivity, so that various low-temperature liquids are vaporized into gases of a certain temperature. The utility model can be divided into high and low pressure. The working medium has low temperature liquid such as LNG/LO2/LAr/LN2/LCO2, which has good sealing property, cold resistance, corrosion resistance, weather resistance, safety and reliability.

(1) Pressure: 0.8MPA

(2) Capacity: 50-3000Nm3/h

(3) Medium: LNG/LO2/LAr/LN2/LCO2

(4) Material: Aluminum

(5) Overall dimension: 12192*2438*2591mm

(6) Main specifications: vaporizer, boosting vaporize, pressure regulating and metering system, electrical heating, and PLC system

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